Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Luna Lion Hat For Sale

Populist Democracy and Constitutional Democracy

Blogaventura Reporter also adheres to the "Free to ..." that Saturday, March 12, will bring to the streets many people to defend our Constitution and its fundamental principles. What I would say is that our key card held within the system, a vital task of integration not only of the plurality of sources in the legal but also social pluralism into the political (see G. Zagrebelsky - Manual of Constitutional Law - Torino 1987). Therefore, the Constitution is, of course, the backbone of the system, the tool that allows traced to a set of basic principles the body of laws and action across society, individuals, groups and movements. In a nutshell is the legal structure that distinguishes a sort, in the strict sense, by a vanishing and flexible, subject to being prey to the arbitrary and unrealistic populism. I do not see well, in fact, those systems in which the leader is the interpreter of the will of the masses and its legitimacy comes not so much by the response of the polls as his relationship with the feelings of the people, that only the leader interprets and satisfies. I do not see well that system, with ill-concealed attempt to explain their difficulties, identify a new enemy every day and considered as an obstacle to the work of the Judiciary, the Constitutional Court, the Presidency of the Republic and, more generally, of those bodies with the aim of ensuring a fair balance of power as a guarantee of the whole society. Therefore, the populist democracy, only to mere opportunism, does not base his power on executions and mass deportations, but on demagoguery and flattery to the people "consumer", I prefer constitutional democracy. The only political formula, to quote the words of Peter Ignatius, such as to protect "the division, respect and mutual control of powers and pluralism of interests and views, guaranteed by the separation of powers and areas. "forged an order to be safe and security for all, not merely a formal act or, worse, a prop for the power of the leader.

those who have followed the comments in recent days, This was followed by a post he sees that her friend Joan said - of course documented the event! - I replied in Sardinian

; "It deus cheret and sos carabineris lu permittini.
Well ... God wanted to e. .. the police did not have nothing against that. So I went in Republic Square, and here are some pictures that I made to witness the passion with which Cagliaritani participated in this initiative.

A Many thanks to the journalist Ottavio Olita of Rai at Cagliari, which introduced the work of this event and that has existed for many years, is a point of reference for free people of Sardinia.
Long live Italy democratic, popular, anti-fascist!

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Painting Plastic Flower Pots

Groundhog Day ... "The Secret" - A History Cagliari

Quest 'influence is was really hard to die but ... today I must say that I feel better. I want to continue to write in these pages the presentation of my book "The House of Memories" (subtitle: A History Cagliari) that I presented in October on my old blog "The Heaven of Saint-Ex." Achieving a story of this kind was new and exciting experience for me so that, for about a month, I'm venturing a new story. I do not know when this book will see the light but I can tell you that will deal with, again, the theme of the family. But now I do not want to add another e. .. I leave you with the presentation of "The Secret".

Writing a book, though small, is not simple. Not just the idea, is not sufficient to adequately develop a plot. It should read, add, cut and fix. The error is still there and if you have only to work, you escape more easily. It may seem at times to have arrived to the point and so you decide to make the first test print. I look forward to the arrival of the courier and when you have a copy in your hands, you realize that something is still wrong and then decide to start from scratch. It would be nice to be a professional writer, have someone who helps you fix, to lay out, to choose images for the cover but ... writers as a hobby and we must be content. A few friends read your work for you and this will be a great satisfaction because, for better or worse, do it for passion, without anxiety of having to gain or deliver the work within a very specific term. But writing is not even easy for amateurs like me and even more difficult to present their work. Just this week I finished printing my latest story called "The House of Memories." I do not want to call it fiction because it would be too much. I collected the testimonies of family life and the many friends I met on my experience. There were people who told me about their parents, chi dei fratelli, chi dei cognati, chi della nonna invadente e della zia intrigante, dei piccoli agi e delle difficoltà a sbarcare il lunario. Mi sono accorto che tutte queste storie potevano avere un comun denominatore perchè, in determinati contesti, comuni sono le difficoltà, le preoccupazioni, le piccole soddisfazioni ed è nata così la famiglia Manca, paradigma di una tipico nucleo familiare cagliaritano di estrazione piccolo-borghese. La storia è ambientata nel quartiere di San Benedetto, cuore pulsante di una città che rinasce al termine della seconda guerra mondiale, simbolo degli sforzi di una popolazione che sente forte il bisogno di crescere oltre che di risollevarsi. Un quartiere in cui operano piccoli commercianti, professionals, craftsmen. There is also a town market, a large structure where you go not only for shopping but also to socialize. A little world in itself never folded participating with passion in the life of his time. The story is inspired by memories of Andrea Manca, after the death of his parents, is going with his brother Philip, to deliver the house where she was born and raised to new owners. Andrew goes for the last time in the great apartment, visit every room and comes out in a very short time a world of memories. The story of a large family with his sacrifice, his frustrations, his fleeting moments of serenity. Come to mind the sound of radios in the courtyard, the echo of old programs, lunch time, matches scopone e. .. many, many other things. All in a little time in which, in the end, dominates the regret for family cohesion never totally achieved.

For the benefit of friends who wanted to buy my book "The Secret"-A History Cagliari, I note the following points of sale which is currently available at:

1) Stationery Sergio Succa via G. 34-36 09127 Deledda Cagliari
( on line )
2) Miele Amaro Via Manno 88 09124 Cagliari
3) Library The Bastion Square Constitution 4 09124 Cagliari
4) Library Murru 12C 09128 Via San Benedetto Cagliari.

I also remember that the book can still be purchased through the sites and La Feltrinelli.

Monday, February 21, 2011

License To Sell Homemade Products

What Future for the Arab World?

It all started last December 17 when, in Sidi Bouzid, Tunisia, the peddler Mohamed Bouzizi set himself on fire to denounce the wretched living conditions imposed on the people by the regime of former Tunisian President Ben Ali. The chronicles of these days we speak of a "domino effect". So the rebellion spreads like wildfire in the Maghreb and in many other Arab countries. From Egypt to Algeria, Libya to Morocco and even in Iran, Yemen and Bahrain runs the revolutionary wave. The people took to the streets and leverage its protest against poverty, social gaps and the dictatorships of Saddam who, for decades, oppress freedom by preventing any possibility of progress. So then dictators try to suppress the uprising with violence. Act so that the echoes of the riot can not go beyond the boundaries status, limiting citizens' freedom of expression, silencing bloggers and the press hostility. C 'and those who resist. But even those who flee overseas. Our perception is that of a social and political mess in which it is almost impossible, even for the more experienced observers, make predictions about tomorrow. These days I often thought at the end of "Kingdom of the Peacock." Raised hopes that the fall of the repressive regime of the Shah of Persia. In the dark he fell to the affirmation of Islamic Iran after Ayatollah Khomeini. So I want to express my concern today. Because the processes of development in those countries are always very long, difficult and intricate. Not only because of the influence of religious fanaticism but also for the many interests in the control of an area that is in its vital oil resources. As any observer who has read and researched at the moment, off balance. Also because it is not easy to tell who led the revolt. Our hope is that these people do not fall "from the frying pan into the fire" that the vile dictatorship of Saddam, arrives to take over (as has unfortunately already happened) other disasters and other totalitarian regimes.

Friday, February 18, 2011

I Wanna Play Lacrosse But Im Afraid

A Council Membership for my readers

flu I caught in the middle and these days I'm stuck in letto. Di conseguenza non son riuscito a realizzare nessun post per questo piccolo spazio. Però voglio dirvi che, pochi giorni fa, è uscito l'ultimo numero di The Best Magazine, la fantastica rivista on line nata dall'impegno di tanti bravissimi blogger e realizzata per tutti gli amanti della buona lettura, della fotografia e...di  tante, tante altre belle cose. Il numero che vi presento oggi è dedicato al mare, al suo fascino incomparabile e alle suggestioni che da sempre evoca in ciascuno di noi. Se avete piacere di sfogliare la nostra rivista potete cliccare  sull'icona nella colonna laterale. Naturalmente in questo numero c'è anche il mio zampino e, questa volta, ho realizzato un pezzo ispirato dalla canzone The following ...

I wish you all a good weekend!

Monday, February 14, 2011

Bruised Back Of Head For A Month

massive Cagliaritani all 'Initiative "If not now, when?"

I want to share with you the movies that I made yesterday in Cagliari, on the occasion of the "If not now, when?". Honestly I did not expect such a massive participation in a city like Cagliari, often sleepy and detached. But yesterday, in Piazza Amendola, there were very many people. Outraged, concerned for the future of our country. However determined to be the protagonists of a radical change. A revolution that, as the video below, is le sue basi essenziali nella valorizzazione della cultura e delle virtù intellettuali degli esseri umani

Il mio auspicio è nel senso che questa manifestazione non resti un fatto isolato...

La speranza è che gli Italiani  non ricadano più, come evidenzia il video che segue, negli errori del passato...

...Che la gente mantenga la voglia di lottare... lasciatemelo dire: Hasta la Victoria!

Friday, February 11, 2011

Lots Of Cervical Mucus Prior To Period

"If not now when?"

Anche Blogaventura Reporter aderisce all'iniziativa "Se not now when ". Why the prime minister's conduct offends not only women but men too. Why expose Italy to the mockery of the international community.'ll go down to the streets to say no to a government that has the only program to look after the interests the chairman of the board and preserve the legal consequences of his behavior constantly paying duty Bossi and his Lega. To say no to a government that ignores the real problems of the nation. That does not take into account the sacrifices of so many women and men who are committed every day in study and work and in return receive only anxiety and insecurity. Being in the streets on February 13th is a way of stating clearly and precisely our opposition to a prime minister who with his demagoguery and his populism is dragging the country towards a dangerous authoritarian . Today more than ever, to quote the words used several years ago 'by Francisco Cordero, "Berlusconi is the hegemony, phobic rejection of the rules, redressing injuries, fraud, ignorance ..." and this should now be clear to everyone. Therefore we must not tarry longer. Should take to the streets to demonstrate not only our disagreement with this state of affairs, but also the desire to live now in a normal country, ruled by a political class that has really cares about the needs of citizens and is always inspired by the fundamental principles della nostra Costituzione. "Se non ora quando?" E' un'interrogativo inquietante, un'esortazione forte. Perchè quel "quando" ci prospetta l'idea di ulteriori sciagure... "Se non ora quando?" Prima che sia troppo tardi, ovviamente. Prima che questo italico raìs, strenuamente abbarbicato al suo potere,  non distrugga definitivamente quel che resta della democrazia italiana.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Kangaroo Burger Tampa, Fl

Italian verbs conjugator

Molte volte gli studenti sembrano sconsolati davanti alle difficoltà che si incontrano durante la coniugazione dei verbi italiani.
Naturalmente quando sono in classe ci siamo noi ad aiutarli, ma quando sono a casa, magari a fare i compiti, possiamo dare loro degli strumenti per lavorare in autonomia.
Il sito che solitamente consiglio per i verbi italiani è questo Coniugatore verbi italiani , è molto facile da usare e si possono trovare le diverse forme corrette del verbo come si può vedere, per esempio, nel verbo dare .
should explain to students that some Italian verbs have different forms for the same item, and do not like certain professors who claim that their choice to use one form over another, is indisputable.
And what do you use: "I gave him" or "sayings"?

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Hoyt Series Fall-away Rest

Finding Pasquino

Post, web-log, track-back. Parole strane, figlie della tecnologia e dell'informatica. Di un presente in cui , talvolta, impatto e apparenza prevalgono sulla sostanza delle cose. Preferisco andare oltre il web-log. Cercare le sue radici. Perchè il blog , in fondo, è un mezzo di comunicazione antico. Mi fa pensare a quelle statue classiche che, nella Roma papalina del XVI secolo, grazie alla fantasia e all'arguzia di un umile ciabattino, acquistarono la parola. Così, Pasquino (questo era il nome del ciabattino) pensò bene di appendere, nottetempo, al collo di una statua, collocata all'ingresso della sua bottega, dei cartelli sui quali esprimeva il proprio malcontento e le proprie critiche nei confronti del potere. I suoi messaggi non passarono inosservati e, ben presto, su altre statue, apparvero nuovi cartelli che sostenevano i discorsi ironici e spesso irriverenti di Pasquino. Pertanto, nella Roma Pontificia, in cui la libertà di parola non era certo incoraggiata, si creo a real dialogue. A first outbreak of freedom. The gimmick invented by Pasquino is not much different from that of the blog. Today, Web writes Arthur, goblins and ... Beppe replies answered ... Circulate ideas, criticism, cries and laughter. So much water has passed under the bridge. But the spirit is always to Pasquino, Marforio and Lucrezia. Perhaps this is the essence of the blog. The lampoon, spontaneous dialogue, the chatter of the global village. So you do not need controls or, worse, a ... Masi or Minzolini. It would be like to return the knife to Mastro Titta.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Bathroom Scales Elevator Physics

Bia and the magic of syllables

I state that this activity is my idea and I have not yet been able to test it in class, but I could be a fun way for a review of the phonetic syllables in Italian.
One day I was thinking about the song that we are taught to remember the English alphabet, and I was wondering if there were something similar to Italian.
Suddenly, I do not know why, I thought the song "Bia".
all know the abbreviation of the cartoon "Bia - the challenge of magic," and I'm sure at least once, we all sang the chorus from A to Z (if this link you can find the piece of music for ' activities and download ). The text is very simple

and Bi, bi e, ba be, and bi,
ba be bi, bi eo, ba be bi bo bi
eu, bu, ba be bi bo bu
us and we ee, about us, and we i,
ca ce ci, we eo, ca ce co us, we
eu, cu, ca ce co cu
us and of course you can continue with all the consonants and
Effe, effe ee, is fe, and effe, fe fi
ago, effe eo, fe fi fo ago,
effe eu, fu, fe fi fo ago and was
Gi, gi e, g, ga, gi ei,
ga ge gi, gi eo, ga ge gi go, gi
eu, gu, ga ge gi go gu
must clearly be aware of two things:
  • combinations with the "h", which according I would create confusion because the "h" should be postponed to voice diventale "ah, eh, ih, oh, uh" and then the text should be reversed (instead of "academic" to tell bisongerebbe "ACCA");
  • The change with "q" that can not be used alone but only as "qu" and also the result a "Quu" that does not exist in Italian, in my opinion is feasible, you just remind students to pay attention.
not wait to use this task, and what do you think? In your opinion can be fun? Using it in a different way?

Friday, January 28, 2011

Coloured Contact Lenses In Dublin

FIOM of Metalworkers Strike: Sardinia Square

Despite the rain we were really in a lot of today in Cagliari to support the strike of women workers and workers in the FIOM. workers, pensioners, students, trade union leaders of all groups, representatives of the progressive agriculture policies. United aim to affirm, addition to the fundamental role of representation and collective bargaining , prinicipio the argument that the rights and achievements of workers should never be a bargaining chip. I offer the following shooting of an intervention worker with heartfelt FIOM expressing these needs effectively

needs and demands that I share fully and I believe should be supported firmly ... before it's really too late!

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Printable Book Covers Vidose

falls in the sense of turmoil that pervades the Church

always consider with a certain distrust of the positions adopted by the church hierarchy in regard to political and social events that affect our country. Why is the Church's strategy is never fully transparent and its interpretations of utterances likely not unique. On this line there is also the last speech Cardinal Bertone, hastily hailed by many as a rap against the President of the Council. It seems to me that the high priest expresses a kind of discomfort different from what at first glance, one might assume. Cardinal Bertone shows a condition of "disturbance" is not so remarkable in relation to the conduct of those in power, as compared to the consequences that might result from all'establishment certain behaviors. Indeed, he is confined to urge the leaders to a sober lifestyle and, indeed, wonders why the machinery of justice have moved with such alacrity e. .. here it seems that helmets from the clouds! It seems as if the prosecutor does not know that, in the presence of a notitia criminis, is obliged to prosecute. He worries, finally, the consequences of a hypothetical power vacuum, a leap in the dark where you might come across as a result of the fall of a corrupt power. Thus the picture emerges of a troubled church not because of the bad example that people may draw from the behavior of rulers, but the risk that certain events can undermine a system of power which, though not flawless, actually favors and also maintain economically ecclesiastical organization. If Bertone could speak out of line would say: "Please, dear leaders, avoid getting caught with their hands in the cookie jar, because if the Judiciary catches you at fault, your power system could collapse e. .. all of us that we have argued we could be in canvas trousers ... What it does not say this but that is the natural consequence of its reasoning. Nothing new under the sun, then. With all due respect to those who delude themselves that the Cardinal wanted to give against the Premier. The Church, for better or worse, is always the Church. He only his own gain. Search economic support for its activities and its propaganda and, in fact, just the matter of the morality of his supporters. So, as they say in Rome: "Nun fateve 'ncantà"

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Why Have Started To Urinate More Frequently?

The Heritage Policy Sandro Pertini

I still remember his stride, his voice firm, his pipe, and that face frowning and severe, however, ready to open themselves to smile and optimism. Yes, optimism. That flame that burns in the hearts of the brave and tenacious, and I hope that makes you the strength to fight even when you're in the darkest despair and nobody would bet a penny more about you. Sandro Pertini was, for me, the pure representation of the courage and perseverance. The man who taught us to move forward and clenching his teeth, with the same force with which supported the resistance against fascism, the country gradually ferried over "years of lead". succeeded John Leone in July 1978, in the dark days that followed the kidnapping and murder do Aldo Moro. There was in those days, a strong sense of confusion and distrust, but the President Pertini, with its air of determined and sure, he was peerless interpreter of that sense of harmony and unity which could be the only way to resurrect a country hit hard in his ideals and his best forces: - We must work - he said - because , while necessary and civilian comparison between all political ideologies, the expression of a true democracy, harmony is realized in our country. - words that ignited the crowds, long gone, and words, for many, too easily forgotten. To me, however, still love in my heart, in a country that has lost the sense of common purpose and solidarity. I am convinced that his greatness of mind originated in a profound idealism. - If me, always socialist, they offered more radical reforms at the price of freedom - Pertini said in his inaugural address - I refuse because freedom can not be traded. However, it becomes a fragile achievement, and will be fully enjoyed only by a minority, if you do not receive your natural content that is social justice. I repeat what I have said elsewhere: freedom and social justice are a binomio inscindibile, l'un termine presuppone l'altro: non vi può essere giustizia sociale senza libertà, come non vi può essere una vera libertà senza giustizia sociale... ed è solo in questo modo che ogni italiano sentirà sua la Repubblica, la sentirà madre e non matrigna. Bisogna cioè che la Repubblica sia giusta e incorrotta : forte con tutti i colpevoli, umana con i deboli e i diseredati. - Questa era la sua concezione dello Stato,espressa con vigore, così come solo i grandi sanno fare. Nessuno, da allora, ha avuto più la capacità di esprimersi con tale forza, di dare una scossa decisa alla nazione i cui valori solidali son stati affossati da un affarismo sordido consumerism and short legs. No one like him, there is more talk of peace with such sensitivity and conviction - to empty the arsenals of war source of death, you may fill the granaries source of life for millions of human beings who are struggling against hunger ... not armed your hand, young people not to resort to violence, because violence gives rise from the depths of man's primal instincts and, even when using in a state of self-defense, it always leaves a bitter taste. - I, who was seventeen years old when he became President Sandro Pertini, I felt driven by this great personality. Even today, before a country groping and floundering amid a thousand difficulties, I can not help but think of his teaching and his ideals. A man who, despite the advanced age, he moved from one end of the peninsula, bringing comfort and encouragement but not only taking, so determined, the role of guarantor of the institutions to the citizens. Many years have passed since then and so one has not seen him since. I wonder - what would he say today, as he thundered before the institutional corruption, such a policy so blatantly linked to business, with many politicians from overwork and certain low-grade racism?. - Someone like him, who put social justice, democracy, national unity, peace and solidarity as the basis of civic life. I'm sure that the role of a vigorous, decisive and unequivocal. Perhaps it is convenient to many who did not talk, that a man so forget it. But it is precisely for this reason that today remember. In the hope that his memory be for all of us a light. An example and a stern warning against those who are called to govern the country.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Best Premixed Margarita

That steamboats on the Blog Header ... Small Thoughts on the Referendum

... is the memory of a journey of many years ago 'the Bernese Alps ... a memory that has given rise to a story that, willingly share with you.

At Slopes of the ... Young lady

I often pick up those four folders of photographs with the red cover and see me sitting behind the wheel of my good old Clio, loaded on the shuttle train Goppenstein leads to Kandersteg. Make an impression in cross-speed trains coming in the opposite direction as the car sways on the railway vehicle. Arriving from the Simplon, however, this is the fastest and most direct way to reach the gorgeous scenery of 'Bernese Oberland and the charming town of Interlaken, squeezed between the lakes of Thun and Brienz, the first austere e ombroso, il secondo gaio nella sua luminosità e accattivante con le sue trasparenze che variano dall'azzurro allo smeraldo.

Mi tuffai in quelle placide acque in un caldo pomeriggio di fine luglio ed ebbi quasi la sensazione che i miei pensieri si congelassero nel cervello. Meglio godersi il lago – pensai – a bordo di uno di quei pittoreschi piroscafi a ruota che tagliano silenziosamente le onde lacustri, meglio dedicarsi a lunghe e sane passeggiate in montagna: per chi, come me, è abituato al tiepido Mediterraneo, qui in Svizzera, è possibile immergersi solamente nelle calde and steaming hot springs of Leukerbad.

We waited a few days before embarking on the magical ascent to the Jungfraujoch: For this trip, which is characterized by many sights, really if done in a day wasted little sharper. I think I went for three mornings after the Interlaken station to check the weather before deciding whether to venture in the excursion. I still remember those little cog train, after passing through lush green valleys, climb up the wooded mountains. I can not forget the pine branches that touched the convoy, the villages of Murren and Wengen surrounded by the sun, the steep slopes of the Lauberhorn in which, during the winter fall like lightning samples of alpine skiing and arrival at Kleine Scheiddeg. This station marks the boundary between the quasi green pastures and the Kingdom of the rocks and glaciers. Here you hear the echo of adventurous expeditions to the summits of the Jungfrau (m.4158), the Monch (m.4099) and Eiger (d. 3970) and through the endless glacier 'Aletsch. But we, that we are not accustomed to the cold waters of mountain lakes and even the steep and treacherous rocks of the Alps, much prefer to get on that little red train that runs along the railway is the highest d 'Europe.

The small convoy of more than 25% slope, inaccessible through tunnels dug into the mountain. I still remember a long tunnel about seven miles, stops and Eigerwand 'Eismeer' viewing stations where, through openings cut into the rock, you can enjoy the incredible mountain scenery. We come finally to pass the Jungfraujoch, at the turn of the Jungfrau and the Monch. In the presence of the "young lady" (this is the translation of the name Jungfrau in Italian), we improvise skiers. My wife Nicole is doing very well, but I am just denied: the cold of the over ten thousand feet I cut your breath and skiing I can hardly stand up. After the nth tumble, I dedicate myself to seraphic contemplation of the glacier and mountain landscape while sipping a drink in the mountains. In the evening we return to the valley. In Camp Interlaken Valentina, who was then almost six years, has made friends with Eline, a Dutch girl by blond braids and a little face very suitable for an advertisement for cheese. For them, the diversity of language is not a problem and, together with their small saucepan, prepare concoctions of grass and mud while their mothers become familiar in English. I, however, sitting on a bench, I plan trips for the following days. Nice to enjoy the evening, the cool by the lake and then there's great excitement. In a few days will be the Swiss National Day. A neighbor, next to his trailer, is made to sound the horn and, on all roads, from arcades to the Bernese Mills Bridge in Lucerne flags waving red-cross. Then this is the day of the festival with his fireworks accompanied by classical music, the people walking the streets, the lights and gaiety of children. Slowly fades the evening, but the extraordinary images of a land which, although close, he touched my deepest feelings of travelers.

Taken from my book of short stories, "Mr. Blogaventura" dedicated to all friends of this small space.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Harley Davidson Mankini


As I sit down to write this post, I must say, I am taken by many doubts. Why, for some time feel the emptiness around this small space and I have full knowledge of what may be irrelevant and useless my remarks. However, I write, if only to clear up ideas on a story that, although I am a "white collar" and residing far from Mirafiori live wholeheartedly on the side of blue-collar. It matters little how many will read these lines, the comments ... If this blog will continue to live or if I decide to suspend permanently the operations. What I mean is that this referendum has taught us all many things. It was said that the "yes" avrebbe vinto con una schiacciante maggioranza e invece per Marchionne è stata una “vittoria di Pirro”. Non solo perchè la FIOM ha ottenuto molti più voti rispetto al numero dei suoi iscritti ma anche perchè, dopo anni di colpevoli silenzi, si è risentito parlare con insistenza della classe operaia, in barba al luogo comune che la voleva ormai definitivamente scomparsa. Bene, la classe operaia esiste e si sente. Sia che abbia votato “si” sotto l'infame ricatto di perdere il posto di lavoro sia che abbia votato “no” con coraggio e determinazione. Tutti meritano rispetto e considerazione. Per la gravità della situazione che son costretti a vivere e delle decisioni che, conseguentemente, son stati chiamati to take. I feel rather far from CISL and UIL, namely those that trade unions, with the infamous "Laundry pact" concluded with the current government, have opened the season of separate contracts and paved the way for agreements such as Mirafiori. - Now the ball is in Marchionne - says a representative CISL - Now it's up to him to keep the promises Promises .-? - I say - that promise? Ma .. I am not signed binding agreements? But then Marchionne can do what he wants and maybe in two or three years to tell the workers: - Listen, dear beautiful in Serbia have told me that I am willing to work for much less ... you're willing to work for much less? - The feeling is that this agreement is far from creating certainties. For the meantime, workers at Mirafiori it is a year of layoffs then, in a year, Marchionne investment promised in the plan should be operational. Ma .. one year is long and many things could happen in the meantime. We are all affected by the absence of institutions, from a government that is silent because, before the blackmail business, in fact, agrees. But the working class exists and is charged in both economic and normative price of this agreement. Meanwhile Marchionne earns a thousand times misrepresent the factory workers who manages the property and continues to enjoy itself, hidden behind its administrator-delegate. They say that Mirafiori will be put into production a Chrysler SUV for the U.S. market. In practice, employees Fiat will be a bit 'the same way as those of Eastern workers who manufacture, low cost, sporting goods for the western market. I would like to be wrong but, apparently, globalization is only creating a state of competition among the working poor. Who drops more panties in front of the master's works, who thinks, is opposed by a hard and is put out of play. Pace of the owners of the ironworks which continue to gain more and more consistent profits. "We sweated and fought for our rights - says an elderly woman interviewed in a square in Turin - now, new generations are by scrubbing. - I personally believe that this woman is right. This is not the business world who wanted our fathers. By Giuseppe Di Vittorio Gino Giugni. Is not this the world we want for our children.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

How Can I Lengthen My Curtains

Change the channel!

While Bel Paese on the first evening shadows fall, happen to hear on a Radio Rai tramissione addressing various policy issues and current events. I speak of the "Mix It Up", hosted by Aldo scissors. The idea itself is not bad. The presentations of the studio guests take turns to be those of the listeners. What annoys is that it does not seem to be any form of dissent rispetto alla linea del conduttore, aduso a stroncare in modo drastico e sistematico ogni voce non gradita. Anche ieri sera, nella trasmissione dell'undici gennaio, i primi due ascoltatori che manifestavano garbatamente il loro dissenso rispetto all'accordo di Mirafiori e... alla linea editoriale della trasmissione, son stati bruscamente liquidati e invitati, a muso duro "a cambiar canale". Bene, dopo l'ennesima tirata del conduttore,ho deciso: se mai a quell'ora mi pungesse vaghezza di accender la radio non ascolterò "Zapping" e se, smanettando fra una stazione e l'altra, dovessi solo sentire la voce di Forbice, accogliendo l'invito del sussiegoso anchor-man, cambierò immediatamente canale .

Monday, January 10, 2011

Bad To Get Vaccine If Already Had Chickenpox

defend the company union representatives at the side of the FIOM

I do not know if you remember the Fiat 127 and 128 of the 70s, surely worn by rust, left the creaking door, the unmistakable fragrance of plastic that hung inside the rhythm, the squeaky steering spindles of 126. Well, I still remember them and, apparently, if I recall the many Italians who agree en masse to their preference to foreign competition. If we look at traffic on our roads, cars built abroad dominate by far the Fiat. Once it was just the opposite. Everyone bought the cars that wanted to build in the Agnelli budget but the proof of the facts, proved disappointing. The house in Turin, like it or not, pays the price for having offered to customers for business choice (and not to release the workers), the automotive industry at an ever produced abroad. As in recent years, the quality has improved, the damage is done and difficult recipes Marchionne will be able to resolve a crisis that has deep roots. It seems, in fact, according to the classic business logic, which to pay the bad results of an enterprise should be, as always, the workers and poor management. Nobody dreams of going in search of that surplus which for years has enriched the coffers of the master. One consideration that arises because, just a few days ago, ' l'emittente televisiva La7 rilevava che il manager italo-canadese guadagna da solo quanto tutti gli operai di Mirafiori. Pare, tra l'altro, che i risultati di vendita della Bmw, pur impegnata in un segmento superiore rispetto alla casa italiana, siano di gran lunga migliori rispetto alla Fiat eppure... la stampa di questi giorni ci dice che il top management della casa bavarese sarebbe meno pagato rispetto a quello della casa italiana. Licenziamo i manager - sarebbe naturale affermare - esternalizziamo Marchionne! Ma, a quanto pare, il mondo continua ad andare alla rovescia. Si continua a chiedere sacrifici ai lavoratori, a limitare i diritti e molti operai, ormai ridotti alla fame, stremati cedono al ricatto. Il ceto impiegatizio, dal canto suo, appare indifferente and does not take into account the fact that the treatment Marchionne, soon, may also cover them. I think they just indifference, resignation and fear to pull together the threads of the massacre that this game is throwing anything in years and years of struggle and achievements of trade unions. The Statute of Workers, the union representation within the company, as is the safety are core values \u200b\u200bin relation to which there can be no compromise. Therefore I am convinced that the workers of the FIOM deserve our solidarity and should not be left alone in this bitter dispute that today is tomorrow Mirafiori but inevitably involve us all.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Left Hand Pinky Joint Hurts

Cagliari, David Herbert Lawrence e. .. Travellers

Voglio dedicare il primo post del 2011 alla mia città e a David Herbert Lawrence, autore capace di esaltarla con la sua mirabile prosa. Perciò, questo pomeriggio, ho sfidato le ripide scale della Torre di San Pancrazio è ho realizzato, da quello che certamente è il punto più alto di Cagliari, il video che vado ora a proporvi. Vi prego di scusare qualche incertezza  ma non è facile governare la telecamera e, allo stesso tempo, far attenzione al testo  scritto che comunque riporto al termine del filmato.

" Cagliari strange and a little 'Magic ..." so I like to start this post with the suggestions of David Herbert Lawrence, one of the greatest English writers of the 900 joint Sardinian capital in early 1921. With much enthusiasm and the idea of \u200b\u200bfinding the island with his wife Frieda, his "retreat". Lawrence, born in 1885 into a family of miners British novelist was wandering, sensitive to the moods and social movements of the soul. He gained notoriety with "Sons and Lovers" (1913), "The Rainbow" (1915) and "Women in Love" (1920). Stirred up scandal in 1928 with "Lady Chatterley's Lover", a work that earned him the reputation as a "writer of sensuality." But today I speak of the traveler and David Herbert Lawrence described his stay in Cagliari a wonderful diary titled "Sea and Sardinia". A work gripping , able to convey to the reader all the charm and sense of adventure and enclosed in a journey of the past. A journey that leads to the discovery of an English literary Sardinia still old. Cagliari, Olbia through Barbagie up to Newfoundland. Lawrence stays in Cagliari at the Hotel La Scala di Ferro site shady Viale Regina Elena, which drops steeply towards the dock where, until not long ago ', moored fishing fleet. E 'Carnival ... and I seem to see the English writer, elegantly dressed, accompanied by his wife is heading towards the port area, in one of those days of bitter cold of our typical month of January: - The social life of Cagliari - Notes Lawrence - takes place on Via Roma. Including coffee houses with outdoor seating on one side and the promenade on the other hand, is a very broad way, and the evening includes the entire city. Here and only here, the coaches can proceed very slow, here riding officers, and people can walk en masse. We stunned the crowd that we were suddenly around, as a quick , Dense river of people flowed slow, massive. No vehicle traffic, almost, only a dense and uninterrupted flow of human beings of all kinds, all on foot. A bit 'so he had to be in the streets of imperial Rome, where no car could move and humanity was all on foot. Masks, isolated in small groups, and danced with haughty strides in dense flow under the trees. The masks do not walk like human beings: they dance and struts struts so extravagant as life-size puppets, moved down through the wire. So move with strange shots as carefree and driven by wires attached to his shoulders ... - Lawrence, writer and gentleman, carefully watched our city, i suoi usi e i suoi costumi e quelle ragazze e donne contadine “vivaci e provocatorie... con quei grandi occhi scuri senza luce ...Velasquez , a volte, e a volte Goya, danno un'idea di questi occhi grandi senza luce...” Il viaggio di David Herbert Lawrence, allora, è molto di più di un girovagare fra le strade di una città sconosciuta... Lawrence non ha fretta: si sofferma e scruta nel più profondo dell'animo di una città che oggi è molto cambiata. Il chiacchierio della gente seduta ai tavolini, sotto i portici della via Roma è sovrastato dal rumore del traffico che scorre implacabile e impietoso e, nella darsena i pescherecci hanno lasciato il posto agli yacht e ai velieri da regata...ogni tanto arriva qualche nave da crociera e i turisti, venuti da molto lontano, si soffermano per il tempo necessario per un giro sul bus scoperto, poi di fretta, forse senza aver incrociato, manco per un attimo, quegli “ occhi di un'oscurità morbida e sorda, tutta velluto, da cui nessun diavoletto si affaccia” , risalgono su quelle immense navi bianche... con un'immagine vaga, superficiale di una città, non vissuta ma solo, a malapena, intravista.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Answers To Lab 4 In The Ap Biology Lab Manual

Beppe Severgnini "Italian Lessons - half-serious"

If you want to read something about the grammar to your students, or some further argument in a very semi-serious, as the title says, is the book for you.
Some will say that is not the "Bible" of Italian grammar, but it's a cute book that offers good food for thought and sympathetic articles on a subject that students often consider boring.
I really like the chapters on punctuation, and also that the diminutive is not bad.
Pobabilmente to be able to make better use of the ideal is to propose a level B1 on, but for example, the chapter on "Write the way" is can also be used with a student A2.
And you, have you read? Any idea on How to use?