Saturday, January 15, 2011

Harley Davidson Mankini


As I sit down to write this post, I must say, I am taken by many doubts. Why, for some time feel the emptiness around this small space and I have full knowledge of what may be irrelevant and useless my remarks. However, I write, if only to clear up ideas on a story that, although I am a "white collar" and residing far from Mirafiori live wholeheartedly on the side of blue-collar. It matters little how many will read these lines, the comments ... If this blog will continue to live or if I decide to suspend permanently the operations. What I mean is that this referendum has taught us all many things. It was said that the "yes" avrebbe vinto con una schiacciante maggioranza e invece per Marchionne è stata una “vittoria di Pirro”. Non solo perchè la FIOM ha ottenuto molti più voti rispetto al numero dei suoi iscritti ma anche perchè, dopo anni di colpevoli silenzi, si è risentito parlare con insistenza della classe operaia, in barba al luogo comune che la voleva ormai definitivamente scomparsa. Bene, la classe operaia esiste e si sente. Sia che abbia votato “si” sotto l'infame ricatto di perdere il posto di lavoro sia che abbia votato “no” con coraggio e determinazione. Tutti meritano rispetto e considerazione. Per la gravità della situazione che son costretti a vivere e delle decisioni che, conseguentemente, son stati chiamati to take. I feel rather far from CISL and UIL, namely those that trade unions, with the infamous "Laundry pact" concluded with the current government, have opened the season of separate contracts and paved the way for agreements such as Mirafiori. - Now the ball is in Marchionne - says a representative CISL - Now it's up to him to keep the promises Promises .-? - I say - that promise? Ma .. I am not signed binding agreements? But then Marchionne can do what he wants and maybe in two or three years to tell the workers: - Listen, dear beautiful in Serbia have told me that I am willing to work for much less ... you're willing to work for much less? - The feeling is that this agreement is far from creating certainties. For the meantime, workers at Mirafiori it is a year of layoffs then, in a year, Marchionne investment promised in the plan should be operational. Ma .. one year is long and many things could happen in the meantime. We are all affected by the absence of institutions, from a government that is silent because, before the blackmail business, in fact, agrees. But the working class exists and is charged in both economic and normative price of this agreement. Meanwhile Marchionne earns a thousand times misrepresent the factory workers who manages the property and continues to enjoy itself, hidden behind its administrator-delegate. They say that Mirafiori will be put into production a Chrysler SUV for the U.S. market. In practice, employees Fiat will be a bit 'the same way as those of Eastern workers who manufacture, low cost, sporting goods for the western market. I would like to be wrong but, apparently, globalization is only creating a state of competition among the working poor. Who drops more panties in front of the master's works, who thinks, is opposed by a hard and is put out of play. Pace of the owners of the ironworks which continue to gain more and more consistent profits. "We sweated and fought for our rights - says an elderly woman interviewed in a square in Turin - now, new generations are by scrubbing. - I personally believe that this woman is right. This is not the business world who wanted our fathers. By Giuseppe Di Vittorio Gino Giugni. Is not this the world we want for our children.


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