Saturday, January 22, 2011

Why Have Started To Urinate More Frequently?

The Heritage Policy Sandro Pertini

I still remember his stride, his voice firm, his pipe, and that face frowning and severe, however, ready to open themselves to smile and optimism. Yes, optimism. That flame that burns in the hearts of the brave and tenacious, and I hope that makes you the strength to fight even when you're in the darkest despair and nobody would bet a penny more about you. Sandro Pertini was, for me, the pure representation of the courage and perseverance. The man who taught us to move forward and clenching his teeth, with the same force with which supported the resistance against fascism, the country gradually ferried over "years of lead". succeeded John Leone in July 1978, in the dark days that followed the kidnapping and murder do Aldo Moro. There was in those days, a strong sense of confusion and distrust, but the President Pertini, with its air of determined and sure, he was peerless interpreter of that sense of harmony and unity which could be the only way to resurrect a country hit hard in his ideals and his best forces: - We must work - he said - because , while necessary and civilian comparison between all political ideologies, the expression of a true democracy, harmony is realized in our country. - words that ignited the crowds, long gone, and words, for many, too easily forgotten. To me, however, still love in my heart, in a country that has lost the sense of common purpose and solidarity. I am convinced that his greatness of mind originated in a profound idealism. - If me, always socialist, they offered more radical reforms at the price of freedom - Pertini said in his inaugural address - I refuse because freedom can not be traded. However, it becomes a fragile achievement, and will be fully enjoyed only by a minority, if you do not receive your natural content that is social justice. I repeat what I have said elsewhere: freedom and social justice are a binomio inscindibile, l'un termine presuppone l'altro: non vi può essere giustizia sociale senza libertà, come non vi può essere una vera libertà senza giustizia sociale... ed è solo in questo modo che ogni italiano sentirà sua la Repubblica, la sentirà madre e non matrigna. Bisogna cioè che la Repubblica sia giusta e incorrotta : forte con tutti i colpevoli, umana con i deboli e i diseredati. - Questa era la sua concezione dello Stato,espressa con vigore, così come solo i grandi sanno fare. Nessuno, da allora, ha avuto più la capacità di esprimersi con tale forza, di dare una scossa decisa alla nazione i cui valori solidali son stati affossati da un affarismo sordido consumerism and short legs. No one like him, there is more talk of peace with such sensitivity and conviction - to empty the arsenals of war source of death, you may fill the granaries source of life for millions of human beings who are struggling against hunger ... not armed your hand, young people not to resort to violence, because violence gives rise from the depths of man's primal instincts and, even when using in a state of self-defense, it always leaves a bitter taste. - I, who was seventeen years old when he became President Sandro Pertini, I felt driven by this great personality. Even today, before a country groping and floundering amid a thousand difficulties, I can not help but think of his teaching and his ideals. A man who, despite the advanced age, he moved from one end of the peninsula, bringing comfort and encouragement but not only taking, so determined, the role of guarantor of the institutions to the citizens. Many years have passed since then and so one has not seen him since. I wonder - what would he say today, as he thundered before the institutional corruption, such a policy so blatantly linked to business, with many politicians from overwork and certain low-grade racism?. - Someone like him, who put social justice, democracy, national unity, peace and solidarity as the basis of civic life. I'm sure that the role of a vigorous, decisive and unequivocal. Perhaps it is convenient to many who did not talk, that a man so forget it. But it is precisely for this reason that today remember. In the hope that his memory be for all of us a light. An example and a stern warning against those who are called to govern the country.


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