Thursday, December 16, 2010

Modern Ceramic Sculpture

Sound / λ /

We Italians, who are so terrified by the "th" in English, never think that in our language it may be difficult sounds.
It is true that every foreigner has its difficulties, but there is a phoneme that threatens all more or less, the sound / Λ / or the " gl" "a gl I", "ta gl iare.
To exercise this sound I always use a tongue twister, which was added to a lesson in culinary theme, can be an excellent opportunity to pursue this sound, and maybe with a race of speed reading :-)
"On cutting board cut the garlic,
not cut the tablecloth, the tablecloth is not
if the cuts you make a mistake!"
I assure you that the students have fun and pass some of their distrust of a sound a bit 'nasty.


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