Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Dinusaur King Wallpapers

Giuseppe Giusti, the turncoats of the time that was e. .. the "Swivel" modern-day Democratic

Thus, in 1840, Giuseppe Giusti, in the poem "The toast Girella" painting the acrobatic personality of the Lord of Talleyrand. Most Eminent and Most Reverend Bishop of Autun, he became deputy to the States-General and President of the Legislative Assembly. He was subsequently a member of the Executive, suffered excommunication and contracted marriage. Highly respected advisor to Napoleon, the fall of man fatale ", lent his services to Louis XVIII, Charles V and Louis-Philippe d'Orleans, which covered him with glory and wealth. It is rumored that he had spoken thirteen oaths, in fact, betraying all. Reconciled with the Church when he died, was buried with sacred vestments. A disturbing story, the limits of the paradox. Talleyrand, Prince of turncoats, the champion of transformation, centuries has left an indelible mark on a number of emulators and certainly unequaled in all fields of social life. Therefore, the sharp lines of the Tuscan poet are still current. Unbridled ambition, desire for power and lust for wealth, lack of ideals and values \u200b\u200bguide the actions of those people who, serving as a "good men for all seasons", taxes need for collective self-interest and the rejection of the rules yearning for freedom. All this in a perpetual masquerade and recycle, in an obscene pagan ritual that makes the carnival a daily habit of mystification and the supreme rule of life.


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