Did you know that you can consider the Arabic language as the Italian alphabet, but the differences with our alphabet do exist and I want to bring some order to allow, in the case of Arabic-speaking students of have some ideas about where students may have difficulties.
Of the 28 letters in the Arabic alphabet, only three can be considered as voice mail and there is no artwork for the Italian vowels "or" and "e", this creates difficulties when the student faces the diphthongs eg. the word " egg" could be written as "ovo . This error is probably due also, the suggestion of a mediator with whom I worked, the fact that in Arabic each phoneme has only one match graphics, and if our idea was true, it would also explain the numerous mistakes made in writing and trigrams digraphs.
Another important element is to know that in Arabic there are several ways to write the letters. In Italian we can write the alphabet, uppercase, lowercase, italics or capital letters, in Arabic there are these differences, there are just different styles, we must remember that when we present the Italian alphabet we present it in all its possible "garments".
I say more? Well, surely we must not forget that our language is written from left to right instead of Arabic, and that even the simple act of opening the book could therefore be a bit 'strange to our Arab-speaking students ...
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