Monday, February 21, 2011

License To Sell Homemade Products

What Future for the Arab World?

It all started last December 17 when, in Sidi Bouzid, Tunisia, the peddler Mohamed Bouzizi set himself on fire to denounce the wretched living conditions imposed on the people by the regime of former Tunisian President Ben Ali. The chronicles of these days we speak of a "domino effect". So the rebellion spreads like wildfire in the Maghreb and in many other Arab countries. From Egypt to Algeria, Libya to Morocco and even in Iran, Yemen and Bahrain runs the revolutionary wave. The people took to the streets and leverage its protest against poverty, social gaps and the dictatorships of Saddam who, for decades, oppress freedom by preventing any possibility of progress. So then dictators try to suppress the uprising with violence. Act so that the echoes of the riot can not go beyond the boundaries status, limiting citizens' freedom of expression, silencing bloggers and the press hostility. C 'and those who resist. But even those who flee overseas. Our perception is that of a social and political mess in which it is almost impossible, even for the more experienced observers, make predictions about tomorrow. These days I often thought at the end of "Kingdom of the Peacock." Raised hopes that the fall of the repressive regime of the Shah of Persia. In the dark he fell to the affirmation of Islamic Iran after Ayatollah Khomeini. So I want to express my concern today. Because the processes of development in those countries are always very long, difficult and intricate. Not only because of the influence of religious fanaticism but also for the many interests in the control of an area that is in its vital oil resources. As any observer who has read and researched at the moment, off balance. Also because it is not easy to tell who led the revolt. Our hope is that these people do not fall "from the frying pan into the fire" that the vile dictatorship of Saddam, arrives to take over (as has unfortunately already happened) other disasters and other totalitarian regimes.

Friday, February 18, 2011

I Wanna Play Lacrosse But Im Afraid

A Council Membership for my readers

flu I caught in the middle and these days I'm stuck in letto. Di conseguenza non son riuscito a realizzare nessun post per questo piccolo spazio. Però voglio dirvi che, pochi giorni fa, è uscito l'ultimo numero di The Best Magazine, la fantastica rivista on line nata dall'impegno di tanti bravissimi blogger e realizzata per tutti gli amanti della buona lettura, della fotografia e...di  tante, tante altre belle cose. Il numero che vi presento oggi è dedicato al mare, al suo fascino incomparabile e alle suggestioni che da sempre evoca in ciascuno di noi. Se avete piacere di sfogliare la nostra rivista potete cliccare  sull'icona nella colonna laterale. Naturalmente in questo numero c'è anche il mio zampino e, questa volta, ho realizzato un pezzo ispirato dalla canzone The following ...

I wish you all a good weekend!

Monday, February 14, 2011

Bruised Back Of Head For A Month

massive Cagliaritani all 'Initiative "If not now, when?"

I want to share with you the movies that I made yesterday in Cagliari, on the occasion of the "If not now, when?". Honestly I did not expect such a massive participation in a city like Cagliari, often sleepy and detached. But yesterday, in Piazza Amendola, there were very many people. Outraged, concerned for the future of our country. However determined to be the protagonists of a radical change. A revolution that, as the video below, is le sue basi essenziali nella valorizzazione della cultura e delle virtù intellettuali degli esseri umani

Il mio auspicio è nel senso che questa manifestazione non resti un fatto isolato...

La speranza è che gli Italiani  non ricadano più, come evidenzia il video che segue, negli errori del passato...

...Che la gente mantenga la voglia di lottare... lasciatemelo dire: Hasta la Victoria!

Friday, February 11, 2011

Lots Of Cervical Mucus Prior To Period

"If not now when?"

Anche Blogaventura Reporter aderisce all'iniziativa "Se not now when ". Why the prime minister's conduct offends not only women but men too. Why expose Italy to the mockery of the international community.'ll go down to the streets to say no to a government that has the only program to look after the interests the chairman of the board and preserve the legal consequences of his behavior constantly paying duty Bossi and his Lega. To say no to a government that ignores the real problems of the nation. That does not take into account the sacrifices of so many women and men who are committed every day in study and work and in return receive only anxiety and insecurity. Being in the streets on February 13th is a way of stating clearly and precisely our opposition to a prime minister who with his demagoguery and his populism is dragging the country towards a dangerous authoritarian . Today more than ever, to quote the words used several years ago 'by Francisco Cordero, "Berlusconi is the hegemony, phobic rejection of the rules, redressing injuries, fraud, ignorance ..." and this should now be clear to everyone. Therefore we must not tarry longer. Should take to the streets to demonstrate not only our disagreement with this state of affairs, but also the desire to live now in a normal country, ruled by a political class that has really cares about the needs of citizens and is always inspired by the fundamental principles della nostra Costituzione. "Se non ora quando?" E' un'interrogativo inquietante, un'esortazione forte. Perchè quel "quando" ci prospetta l'idea di ulteriori sciagure... "Se non ora quando?" Prima che sia troppo tardi, ovviamente. Prima che questo italico raìs, strenuamente abbarbicato al suo potere,  non distrugga definitivamente quel che resta della democrazia italiana.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Kangaroo Burger Tampa, Fl

Italian verbs conjugator

Molte volte gli studenti sembrano sconsolati davanti alle difficoltà che si incontrano durante la coniugazione dei verbi italiani.
Naturalmente quando sono in classe ci siamo noi ad aiutarli, ma quando sono a casa, magari a fare i compiti, possiamo dare loro degli strumenti per lavorare in autonomia.
Il sito che solitamente consiglio per i verbi italiani è questo Coniugatore verbi italiani , è molto facile da usare e si possono trovare le diverse forme corrette del verbo come si può vedere, per esempio, nel verbo dare .
should explain to students that some Italian verbs have different forms for the same item, and do not like certain professors who claim that their choice to use one form over another, is indisputable.
And what do you use: "I gave him" or "sayings"?

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Hoyt Series Fall-away Rest

Finding Pasquino

Post, web-log, track-back. Parole strane, figlie della tecnologia e dell'informatica. Di un presente in cui , talvolta, impatto e apparenza prevalgono sulla sostanza delle cose. Preferisco andare oltre il web-log. Cercare le sue radici. Perchè il blog , in fondo, è un mezzo di comunicazione antico. Mi fa pensare a quelle statue classiche che, nella Roma papalina del XVI secolo, grazie alla fantasia e all'arguzia di un umile ciabattino, acquistarono la parola. Così, Pasquino (questo era il nome del ciabattino) pensò bene di appendere, nottetempo, al collo di una statua, collocata all'ingresso della sua bottega, dei cartelli sui quali esprimeva il proprio malcontento e le proprie critiche nei confronti del potere. I suoi messaggi non passarono inosservati e, ben presto, su altre statue, apparvero nuovi cartelli che sostenevano i discorsi ironici e spesso irriverenti di Pasquino. Pertanto, nella Roma Pontificia, in cui la libertà di parola non era certo incoraggiata, si creo a real dialogue. A first outbreak of freedom. The gimmick invented by Pasquino is not much different from that of the blog. Today, Web writes Arthur, goblins and ... Beppe replies answered ... Circulate ideas, criticism, cries and laughter. So much water has passed under the bridge. But the spirit is always to Pasquino, Marforio and Lucrezia. Perhaps this is the essence of the blog. The lampoon, spontaneous dialogue, the chatter of the global village. So you do not need controls or, worse, a ... Masi or Minzolini. It would be like to return the knife to Mastro Titta.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Bathroom Scales Elevator Physics

Bia and the magic of syllables

I state that this activity is my idea and I have not yet been able to test it in class, but I could be a fun way for a review of the phonetic syllables in Italian.
One day I was thinking about the song that we are taught to remember the English alphabet, and I was wondering if there were something similar to Italian.
Suddenly, I do not know why, I thought the song "Bia".
all know the abbreviation of the cartoon "Bia - the challenge of magic," and I'm sure at least once, we all sang the chorus from A to Z (if this link you can find the piece of music for ' activities and download ). The text is very simple

and Bi, bi e, ba be, and bi,
ba be bi, bi eo, ba be bi bo bi
eu, bu, ba be bi bo bu
us and we ee, about us, and we i,
ca ce ci, we eo, ca ce co us, we
eu, cu, ca ce co cu
us and of course you can continue with all the consonants and
Effe, effe ee, is fe, and effe, fe fi
ago, effe eo, fe fi fo ago,
effe eu, fu, fe fi fo ago and was
Gi, gi e, g, ga, gi ei,
ga ge gi, gi eo, ga ge gi go, gi
eu, gu, ga ge gi go gu
must clearly be aware of two things:
  • combinations with the "h", which according I would create confusion because the "h" should be postponed to voice diventale "ah, eh, ih, oh, uh" and then the text should be reversed (instead of "academic" to tell bisongerebbe "ACCA");
  • The change with "q" that can not be used alone but only as "qu" and also the result a "Quu" that does not exist in Italian, in my opinion is feasible, you just remind students to pay attention.
not wait to use this task, and what do you think? In your opinion can be fun? Using it in a different way?