Olympics and human rights
In occasione dell'avvicinarsi delle Olimpiadi di Pechino 2008 , Amnesty International chiede alla Cina di migliorare i suoi standard sui diritti umani. Chiede l'abolizione della death penalty, executions in China each year there are thousands, respect for the rights of prisoners , the guarantee of a fair trial , the prohibition of torture , the end of censorship and freedom for human rights defenders.
Saturday, May 24 at the Mall Andria's balloon from 9.00 to 21.00 collect signatures in favor of Chen Guangcheng sentenced to four years in prison for defending those who want to have children without government permission; Shi Tao sentenced to 10 years in prison for sending an email; She Guozhu, sentenced to four years in prison for denouncing evictions forzati; Bu Dongwei , condannato ai lavori forzati e torturato perchè aveva in casa opuscoli religiosi.
Amnesty International: sponsor dei diritti umani in Cina.
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