Saturday, May 31, 2008

Dune Buggies For Sale In St.johns

I whirl Spain

(photo from internet)

circling the
Spain under an umbrella .......

I whirl Italy
under an umbrella .......

With a little boat, under an umbrella

I would cross the sea;
reach the Parthenon
under an umbrella .......
shooting of violets.

(Aldo Palazzeschi)
We removed from this poetic text Aldo Palazzeschi , some colorful adjectives .
read and write poetry, comments, what would you consider the best colors to paint umbrellas ...

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Lady Bug Cake In Toronto

Olympics and human rights

In occasione dell'avvicinarsi delle Olimpiadi di Pechino 2008 , Amnesty International chiede alla Cina di migliorare i suoi standard sui diritti umani. Chiede l'abolizione della death penalty, executions in China each year there are thousands, respect for the rights of prisoners , the guarantee of a fair trial , the prohibition of torture , the end of censorship and freedom for human rights defenders.
Saturday, May 24 at the Mall Andria's balloon from 9.00 to 21.00 collect signatures in favor of Chen Guangcheng sentenced to four years in prison for defending those who want to have children without government permission; Shi Tao sentenced to 10 years in prison for sending an email; She Guozhu, sentenced to four years in prison for denouncing evictions forzati; Bu Dongwei , condannato ai lavori forzati e torturato perchè aveva in casa opuscoli religiosi.
Amnesty International: sponsor dei diritti umani in Cina.

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Polite Scotish Sayings

Thanks to the success of his second film, the young director Michael Apicella (Nanni Moretti) is called to participate in debates, round tables, television interviews, to hear repeated almost anywhere, which distorts the reality of youth, that his film will never happen. In the effort to build a film that lives up to its reputation, Michael has to add others: defending his friends Nicholas and Claudio, who want to become his assistants to learn the craft: suffer the outbursts of his writer Gaetano, who can not find who wants to produce his films. Michael is in love with Silvia, his ex-schoolmate of which appears in his dreams as a professor who does not understand life. Sweet dreams!
In the video that we propose, Michele sings a song with simple words in the title of the film.

If we wanted to keep his word in the song Dreams, How to become the title of the film by changing only the word of and finding another noun that rhyme with gold?

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Homemade Frozen Bucket Margarita Mix Recipe

Dream Sweet Dreams, or are awake?

We all dream, from the beginning ....

The baby

course, then, specialize ...

look at this: it looks like a pro!


dream What do you think these characters ?

The girl in love with the Coca Cola

The victim Labour

The landlord

Unleash your imagination! And then ... relax!

Sunday, May 4, 2008

How Much Money Did Katie Holmes Get

find the mysterious ingredient

(photo from internet)

We offer a relatively quick and easy recipe that will allow you to cook a chicken in the usual way differently. But be careful, c ' is a mysterious ingredient (3 words) that you will find the recipe in the form of an anagram that evokes ' effect " narcotic " : FIREFIGHTERS SEDAVA . Can you tell what ingredient is it?

Ingredients for 4:

  • chicken thighs

  • 4 tablespoons butter

  • 4 tablespoons Dijon mustard

  • 2 tablespoons lemon juice

  • 1 teaspoon paprika

  • 3 tablespoons FIREFIGHTERS SEDAVA

  1. Mix in a bowl the butter, mustard, lemon juice and paprika and salt.

  2. Brush this mixture on the chicken and place in a dish and then, in a preheated oven at 200 degrees.

  3. Allow Brown turning and brushing with the mixture occasionally for 45 minutes.

  4. further Brush thighs and sprinkle with the ' mysterious ingredient that will make the surface crisp and appetizing.

  5. Bake for 10 minutes.

  6. Accompany this dish with zucchini and peppers and diced sautéed with extra virgin olive ' oil.

Good research and good appetite!

Saturday, May 3, 2008

Desserts Pasta Roller

Dream of a summer day After the rain

In the poem Dream of a day in the summer of Giovanni Pascoli missing three words. Well, actually it is missing two because one is repeated. The X we have written in their place, indicate the number of letters of the word in question. Can you complete the text?

Dream of a day in summer. How
flickering cicadas!
descended among the elms
the sun in dusty bands;
were only two
XXXX XXXXXX ... Two white

brush around the blue XXXX.

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Joyner Viper Mini Sand Rail


This month we challenge you to solve some indovinelli legati al nostro tema del mese. Come i precedenti sono stati composti da famosi enigmisti italiani e, come i precedenti, contengono molte abili trappole linguistiche. Sta a voi evitare di caderci dentro, ricordando che, nel mondo dei giochi di parole, le cose non sono mai quello che sembrano!

Ah, dimenticavo, il tema del mese è: sonno & sogni . Scusate: sono proprio addormentata...

Indovinello de Il Nano Ligure

Nap in the office

If you want to crush it, a minute or two,
careful not to make you tingle:
however, that this is a good thing
I'll need to take away from the head.

(published in The Labyrinth 2003 / 3)

Riddle of Bardo

can be heavy,
but as it is tasty
beaten with a pillow!

I'll take it with closed eyes and taste it to me when I'm

the Russian restaurant.

(published in The Sibyl May / June 2006)

Enigma Parisina
wake up!

A life without measure so we can not bear.
get it over with drugs,
con gli abusi e i disordini,
con gli eccessi e le laute provvigioni
di gente che ha stufato!

Facciamola, suvvia, questa riforma,
se ci promette una costituzione
più agile, moderna,
con movimenti liberi e migliori,
se può ridarci ancora
la libertà dal vivere affettato,
nocivo, nauseante
di un regime untuoso, che ci opprime.

In fondo pure il voto può bastare,
può bastar l'astensione,
ma bisogna ridurre la portata
del trito consumismo
e presto, senza perdere un secondo.
But we want to spoil , our lives?

This time, besides giving us the solutions, why not try to tell also phrases and words in both directions in the various games ? Indeed, we have a competition to see who finds it more!