Sunday, November 9, 2008

Bearded Dragons Eat Pinky Mouse

Only fencing? The slopes of the Shiite

(photo from internet)

Two months ago, Olympic champion Valentina Vezzali -fencing-participated in an episode of Eastenders , a program conducted by Bruno Vespa . The guest of honor, needless to say, Silvio Berlusconi . For the occasion, the fencer to the Prime Minister gave a foil engraved with: "A Silvio Berlusconi with sincere respect."
Bruno Vespa tried to arrange some exchange of foil between the premier and Vezzali, but Berlusconi was held on the sidelines. Nasty, however, the fencer said jokingly: "She would be touched," with a two-way indicates that the term sports (also) a shot scored. Berlusconi replied, smiling: "I would not even with a flower."

Let's leave aside the controversy that arose for the joke of Vezzali and go play!
Imagine that after the Vezzali, other athletes have taken part in Eastenders , and had told the Prime Minister:

  1. President, with a hit and run you would do so!
  2. President, you'd just beat me!
  3. President, you go to hit the handlebars!
  4. President, She'd just play!
you tell us which sport??

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Bloody Cervical Mucus Ovulation

In a little 'the first snow fall and skiers will begin to enjoy winter sports excellence. In addition to mastering the slalom and downhill, we would like you to try one of the most difficult sounds in Italian: the sound sc + i, and .
We propose a class (degree) of phonetics, held by Professor Anatoli Balász clear-the-century Natalino Balasso - on that sound.
conjunction with the lesson, there is clearly a game: try to complete the sentences proposed by Professor Balász with words that begin with the sound strictly sc.
Example: sloppy Shiite sheik with a scepter that wake ...

Have fun!

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Illinois Unemployment Certify


are pleased to accept the invitation Verba Molanta to propose a game poetic pupils Italian as a foreign language, an activity that prompted me Words at play, the beautiful event held in Urbino October 10 to 12. Also for this third round, Urbino has been proposed as a non-place, or as the capital of Utopia, where you can finally

have fun, learn, reflect and play with the word, written, spoken, drawn.

For us teachers, more or less verbivori, impossible not to take advantage of the great ideas offered by these three days all dedicated to talking about words. And indeed, a rich calendar of meetings and appointments, an event può rivelarsi particolarmente utile anche come attività didattica per i corsi avanzati.

Si tratta di Poesie in gioco , un concorso di poesia dorsale ideato da Silvano Belloni e Antonella Ottolina che spiegano:

si chiama così perché nasce combinando uno sopra l'altro i titoli scritti sul dorso dei libri, da cui nascono, come per magia, bellissime poesie.

Come esempio, una delle poesie che ha vinto il concorso:

La perfezione/ quel che resta

all'altezza delle labbra

the silence between two waves (Marianna's Christmas)

The three verses are composed of three titles chosen from 150 books suggested by the organizers. Each poem will then be photographed with the back of the books from which it was inspired.

To view photos please follow this link , while clicking on Bibliography leads the list of titles from which to draw inspiration.

The recreational aspect of the initiative gave me the idea for a task prorporre students of Italian as a foreign language:

Write a haiku

(I've adapted from Writing Games , C. and J. Hadfield, Nelson Publishing, UK, 1990).

type of activity: creative writing. Individually and in plenary.

Level: upper-intermediate and advanced (if they have read at least some books in Italian).

language Objective: to use words in new contexts, to identify semantic similarities.

Englishes : exercise brevity. Describe issues and feelings during the final stage of confrontation between the students.

cognitive skills: guess feelings and arguments.


- is an activity to do in 3 times (in class -> home-> class).

- In pairs or groups of 3: Pupils recall the books I have read and form a list (5-10 minutes).

- Reformulation: compare your list with the other groups and prepare a final.

Variation: If we just run out of reading, the teacher decides what and how many titles offer (not to waste time, the list offered by the competition "Poems in the game" comes in handy).

The list of readings which usually offer students is available here .

- The teacher explains the structure of 'Haiku , where the focus should be contained in just three verses.

We can make an example with this ancient Japanese Haiku of Matsuo Basho:


Persino gli uccelli

E le nuvole sembrano vecchi.

Dopodiché, spiegare che dovranno concatenare i titoli dei libri del loro elenco, fino a formare dei versi.

Per ragioni ovvie è impossibile portare in classe tutti i libri letti dagli alunni, allo scopo di poter comporre delle vere e proprie "poesie dorsali", secondo la proposta del concorso di Urbino. Ma anche così gli studenti possono mettere in gioco la propria creatività.

Compito a casa : scrivono uno o più haiku che devono restare anonymous.

In class: the poems are hung on the walls of the classroom. Students read poems and try to guess the central topic. Prepare a list of key issues that they think they have guessed and then compare it to the plenary. Choose the best haiku, post them to the class blog .

" Write a Haiku" is an activity that had also proposed a low-intermediate level, but without the titles of books, instead of following the directions of the authors of Writing Games.

and concludes with a warning in libreria: Calicanto. La poesia in gioco , di Ersilia Zamponi e Roberto Piumini, Einaudi, 2008. Indicazioni preziose che svelano le astuzie del linguaggio poetico, ovvero come giocare con il segreto e l'immaginazione.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Rent Costumes Disney Princesses Maryland Adult

overturned rules

Among the skills most useful in our hectic society, we have the mental agility and ability to cope with change. And what better way of playing with words to practice in both fields?

To train your mind and make it more flexible we have prepared an unusual play, a crossword with the rules upside down. You should not find words to fill the white squares: here the squares are already filled with words and you must find definitions that explain these words .

is the outline:








































Horizontal : PERFUME, Casino, AZ, MATTO, LODO, OA, LO, SO, NN, RADIO


Qualche suggerimento:

- non dovete spiegare tutte le parole. Sceglietene una o due, quelle che vi ispirano di più e aiutatevi con il dizionario (ma senza copiare, mi raccomando!)

- definitions will be fun and playful especially welcome.

- warning: some of the words have more than one meaning!

- the same game was also offered to visitors to the site of wordplay Minutes . is easier for them because they are native speakers, but a comparison of your solutions and their will be interesting. Go and find!

Friday, October 3, 2008

Suing A Mortgage Broker For Negligence

Crimes (and adjectives) Playing

(photo from internet)

Have you heard of the case Tamin ? No??
Suzanne Tamin was a famous Lebanese singer. E 'was killed by two gunmen in the UAE that, before fleeing, they have completely disfigured.

A vendetta? Apparently, yes.
The singer had a relationship with Mr. Taalat Mustafa, a wealthy Egyptian businessman and politician. The businessman is accused of being the instigator of the murder.

Why? Ma perché aveva scoperto che la bella Suzanne aveva una relazione con un pugile iracheno! Quando Mustafa ha scoperto l'affaire ha inviato due emissari arabi (non ne conosciamo la nazionalità) per convincere la donna a troncare la tresca con il pugile e le avrebbe promesso un ricco regalo. Ma il tentativo di riconciliazione sarebbe fallito e allora gli emissari si sono trasformati in killer.

Il titolo della notizia potrebbe essere questo:

Cantante libanese viene uccisa da due killer arabi perché aveva una tresca con un pugile iracheno. Il mandante è un politico egiziano.

a bit 'crazy as the title, no? The game that we propose is as follows:

changed the profession and nationality of the characters involved in the rental Tamin.

We who shoots the biggest?

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Lorena Herrera Follando

you learn

Resumes activities Molanta Verba, the blog where you study Italian playing! For the return we chose a symbolic date: October 1, which for years has been synonymous with the first day of school. Now the lessons begin in mid-September, but the old start is almost nothing in the language: the term remigino , indicating that the child goes to school for the first time or, by extension, starting any business. The word is derived from S. Remigio, the saint who is celebrated on this day. Or rather, was celebrated as a community. Mau. in his entertaining book day Saints, which is accessible from the sidebar.

As regards content, the structure of the blog is a bit 'changed from last year. No more arguments for the division, and instead to follow a fixed monthly theme, the post will be inspired to current . The goal however is always the same: to integrate the traditional language lessons with exercises and playful fun and present unusual aspects of Italy and its culture.

such as the ecological version of the boot that has growth Castelluccio di Norcia (Perugia). Or like the pictures with examples of humor and wordplay - voluntary and involuntary - in signs, posters or graffiti, found in the sidebar. Or as the "quote of the week", through which we will try to present the best of Italian comedy! Our first guest is the actor, writer and director Corrado Guzzanti .

But the blog is not only to read, indeed! And to start the season We offer a fun riddle to solve. The theme of "apparent" is sadly present, but the various double meanings of the text hide a much happier topic. Power game that teaches you to play down and look at things smiling!

Riddle of Gosplan
( by The Sibyl to 5 / 2000 )

The economic crisis is not enough to give ourselves a hand.
increasingly united and we must get a move on, business,
until - end of the world-we breath,
ass on the ground before we find ourselves.


Saturday, August 2, 2008

Scene Of Brazilian Wax

New Meeting

August 3 Tomorrow we will be with a booth at the concert Rezophonic ! See
from 20 at the Moat of the Castle Barletta .
collect signatures in support of Iraqi refugees to ask our government to seriously support the return of peace in Iraq with humanitarian aid and not with weapons.

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Mighty Guy With Shark Game


"First they came for the gypsies, and I was happy because pilfered.

Then they came for the Jews and I said nothing because I was unsympathetic.

Then they came for the homosexuals and I was sollevato perché mi erano fastidiosi.

Poi vennero a prendere i comunisti ed io non dissi niente perchè non ero comunista.

Un giorno vennero a prendere me e non c’era rimasto nessuno a protestare. "
Bertold Brecht

Riunione del gruppo 180 martedì 15 luglio alle 21 in Via Paolo Ricci, 18 presso Dopolavoro ‘G. Di Vittorio’. Contro la discriminazione. Per i diritti umani.

Saturday, June 28, 2008

Jock Itch Red Speckles

Forty-four cats ...

Our Blog is on vacation until September and we are sure you count the days until we return. We leave you to come and meet you in the company of a game that will help you count them cheerfully.

consists in this: you have to define all the numbers from 0 forward with a combination formed by adding, subtracting, multiplying or dividend famous titles between them (songs, books, movies ...) that contain a digit. For example:

Snow White and the seven dwarfs + I = 10 3 Musketeers

100 Years of Solitude - Around the World in 80 days = 20

The Magnificent 7 x 4 = 28 Fantastic

Simple, right? However, to maintain order and prevent the game from turning into a jumble of numbers given in bulk, we have set some rules:

- numbering must be continuous and upward (ie to start from scratch and go on no jumps and no repeats);

-combinations should be formed by at least two titles . There are limits: the complex solutions are indeed very welcome!

- eccezionalmente, visto che siamo in vacanza e che l'importante è giocare, sono ammessi anche titoli in lingue diverse dall'italiano .

E ora diamo il via alla conta: buona estate a tutti!!!

(testo di Rufus )

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Mechanical Puzzle Box

colorful phrases

Coloratissimi dolci in una pasticceria di Siracusa

Qui sotto troverete una serie di frasi fatte incomplete e, in ordine diverso, il loro significato.

1) Avere il sangue .....
2) Essere al ....
3) Di punto in .....
4) Settimana ...
5) Bestia ....
6) Libro ....
7) Principe .....
8) Quote ....
9) A luci .....
10) Mettere .... su ...

a) Mettere per iscritto un accordo
b) Fidanzato ideale e a lungo sognato
c) Persona o cosa di cui si ha paura
d) All'improvviso
e) Vacanza invernale sulla neve
f) Pornografico
g) Essere senza soldi
h) Romanzo poliziesco
i) To be of noble birth
l) Number of seats reserved for women in the electoral roll.

Try to discover the missing element and then find the right pair . When you are finished you will see all the colors!

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Ocmd Senior Week Rentals

Rice, laugh ... The rainbow in the table

In an episode of red and white film of Carlo Verdone Verdone , Mimmo is a giovane ingenuo che accompagna al seggio la nonna (l'indimenticabile Sora Lella, al secolo Elena Fabrizi ) ansiosa di tornare a Roma per poter dare il proprio voto al PCI .

Durante il viaggio i due si fermano in un cimitero dove la nonna vuole deporre dei fiori in una tomba. L'anziana signora non ricorda il nome del defunto: Riso, sorriso, risata... Chissà.

Aiutatela a trovare un possibile cognome legato a questa famiglia semantica o che termini in -iso !

Monday, June 2, 2008

Gay Friendly Gyms, Northern Nj

Vi presentiamo una carrellata di primi piatti coloratissimi. Questa volta si tratta di indovinare il nome each of these recipes from their own anagrams.

Good luck!

1. 'I'm broken yeast

2. Removed military bears

3 Ass Uncle Scarlet

4. In faded brow

5. Exciting their torso

6. I'm bull whips

Saturday, May 31, 2008

Dune Buggies For Sale In St.johns

I whirl Spain

(photo from internet)

circling the
Spain under an umbrella .......

I whirl Italy
under an umbrella .......

With a little boat, under an umbrella

I would cross the sea;
reach the Parthenon
under an umbrella .......
shooting of violets.

(Aldo Palazzeschi)
We removed from this poetic text Aldo Palazzeschi , some colorful adjectives .
read and write poetry, comments, what would you consider the best colors to paint umbrellas ...

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Lady Bug Cake In Toronto

Olympics and human rights

In occasione dell'avvicinarsi delle Olimpiadi di Pechino 2008 , Amnesty International chiede alla Cina di migliorare i suoi standard sui diritti umani. Chiede l'abolizione della death penalty, executions in China each year there are thousands, respect for the rights of prisoners , the guarantee of a fair trial , the prohibition of torture , the end of censorship and freedom for human rights defenders.
Saturday, May 24 at the Mall Andria's balloon from 9.00 to 21.00 collect signatures in favor of Chen Guangcheng sentenced to four years in prison for defending those who want to have children without government permission; Shi Tao sentenced to 10 years in prison for sending an email; She Guozhu, sentenced to four years in prison for denouncing evictions forzati; Bu Dongwei , condannato ai lavori forzati e torturato perchè aveva in casa opuscoli religiosi.
Amnesty International: sponsor dei diritti umani in Cina.

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Polite Scotish Sayings

Thanks to the success of his second film, the young director Michael Apicella (Nanni Moretti) is called to participate in debates, round tables, television interviews, to hear repeated almost anywhere, which distorts the reality of youth, that his film will never happen. In the effort to build a film that lives up to its reputation, Michael has to add others: defending his friends Nicholas and Claudio, who want to become his assistants to learn the craft: suffer the outbursts of his writer Gaetano, who can not find who wants to produce his films. Michael is in love with Silvia, his ex-schoolmate of which appears in his dreams as a professor who does not understand life. Sweet dreams!
In the video that we propose, Michele sings a song with simple words in the title of the film.

If we wanted to keep his word in the song Dreams, How to become the title of the film by changing only the word of and finding another noun that rhyme with gold?

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Homemade Frozen Bucket Margarita Mix Recipe

Dream Sweet Dreams, or are awake?

We all dream, from the beginning ....

The baby

course, then, specialize ...

look at this: it looks like a pro!


dream What do you think these characters ?

The girl in love with the Coca Cola

The victim Labour

The landlord

Unleash your imagination! And then ... relax!

Sunday, May 4, 2008

How Much Money Did Katie Holmes Get

find the mysterious ingredient

(photo from internet)

We offer a relatively quick and easy recipe that will allow you to cook a chicken in the usual way differently. But be careful, c ' is a mysterious ingredient (3 words) that you will find the recipe in the form of an anagram that evokes ' effect " narcotic " : FIREFIGHTERS SEDAVA . Can you tell what ingredient is it?

Ingredients for 4:

  • chicken thighs

  • 4 tablespoons butter

  • 4 tablespoons Dijon mustard

  • 2 tablespoons lemon juice

  • 1 teaspoon paprika

  • 3 tablespoons FIREFIGHTERS SEDAVA

  1. Mix in a bowl the butter, mustard, lemon juice and paprika and salt.

  2. Brush this mixture on the chicken and place in a dish and then, in a preheated oven at 200 degrees.

  3. Allow Brown turning and brushing with the mixture occasionally for 45 minutes.

  4. further Brush thighs and sprinkle with the ' mysterious ingredient that will make the surface crisp and appetizing.

  5. Bake for 10 minutes.

  6. Accompany this dish with zucchini and peppers and diced sautéed with extra virgin olive ' oil.

Good research and good appetite!

Saturday, May 3, 2008

Desserts Pasta Roller

Dream of a summer day After the rain

In the poem Dream of a day in the summer of Giovanni Pascoli missing three words. Well, actually it is missing two because one is repeated. The X we have written in their place, indicate the number of letters of the word in question. Can you complete the text?

Dream of a day in summer. How
flickering cicadas!
descended among the elms
the sun in dusty bands;
were only two
XXXX XXXXXX ... Two white

brush around the blue XXXX.