Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Lorena Herrera Follando

you learn

Resumes activities Molanta Verba, the blog where you study Italian playing! For the return we chose a symbolic date: October 1, which for years has been synonymous with the first day of school. Now the lessons begin in mid-September, but the old start is almost nothing in the language: the term remigino , indicating that the child goes to school for the first time or, by extension, starting any business. The word is derived from S. Remigio, the saint who is celebrated on this day. Or rather, was celebrated as a community. Mau. in his entertaining book day Saints, which is accessible from the sidebar.

As regards content, the structure of the blog is a bit 'changed from last year. No more arguments for the division, and instead to follow a fixed monthly theme, the post will be inspired to current . The goal however is always the same: to integrate the traditional language lessons with exercises and playful fun and present unusual aspects of Italy and its culture.

such as the ecological version of the boot that has growth Castelluccio di Norcia (Perugia). Or like the pictures with examples of humor and wordplay - voluntary and involuntary - in signs, posters or graffiti, found in the sidebar. Or as the "quote of the week", through which we will try to present the best of Italian comedy! Our first guest is the actor, writer and director Corrado Guzzanti .

But the blog is not only to read, indeed! And to start the season We offer a fun riddle to solve. The theme of "apparent" is sadly present, but the various double meanings of the text hide a much happier topic. Power game that teaches you to play down and look at things smiling!

Riddle of Gosplan
( by The Sibyl to 5 / 2000 )

The economic crisis is not enough to give ourselves a hand.
increasingly united and we must get a move on, business,
until - end of the world-we breath,
ass on the ground before we find ourselves.



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