Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Luna Lion Hat For Sale

Populist Democracy and Constitutional Democracy

Blogaventura Reporter also adheres to the "Free to ..." that Saturday, March 12, will bring to the streets many people to defend our Constitution and its fundamental principles. What I would say is that our key card held within the system, a vital task of integration not only of the plurality of sources in the legal but also social pluralism into the political (see G. Zagrebelsky - Manual of Constitutional Law - Torino 1987). Therefore, the Constitution is, of course, the backbone of the system, the tool that allows traced to a set of basic principles the body of laws and action across society, individuals, groups and movements. In a nutshell is the legal structure that distinguishes a sort, in the strict sense, by a vanishing and flexible, subject to being prey to the arbitrary and unrealistic populism. I do not see well, in fact, those systems in which the leader is the interpreter of the will of the masses and its legitimacy comes not so much by the response of the polls as his relationship with the feelings of the people, that only the leader interprets and satisfies. I do not see well that system, with ill-concealed attempt to explain their difficulties, identify a new enemy every day and considered as an obstacle to the work of the Judiciary, the Constitutional Court, the Presidency of the Republic and, more generally, of those bodies with the aim of ensuring a fair balance of power as a guarantee of the whole society. Therefore, the populist democracy, only to mere opportunism, does not base his power on executions and mass deportations, but on demagoguery and flattery to the people "consumer", I prefer constitutional democracy. The only political formula, to quote the words of Peter Ignatius, such as to protect "the division, respect and mutual control of powers and pluralism of interests and views, guaranteed by the separation of powers and areas. "forged an order to be safe and security for all, not merely a formal act or, worse, a prop for the power of the leader.

those who have followed the comments in recent days, This was followed by a post he sees that her friend Joan said - of course documented the event! - I replied in Sardinian

; "It deus cheret and sos carabineris lu permittini.
Well ... God wanted to e. .. the police did not have nothing against that. So I went in Republic Square, and here are some pictures that I made to witness the passion with which Cagliaritani participated in this initiative.

A Many thanks to the journalist Ottavio Olita of Rai at Cagliari, which introduced the work of this event and that has existed for many years, is a point of reference for free people of Sardinia.
Long live Italy democratic, popular, anti-fascist!

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Painting Plastic Flower Pots

Groundhog Day ... "The Secret" - A History Cagliari

Quest 'influence is was really hard to die but ... today I must say that I feel better. I want to continue to write in these pages the presentation of my book "The House of Memories" (subtitle: A History Cagliari) that I presented in October on my old blog "The Heaven of Saint-Ex." Achieving a story of this kind was new and exciting experience for me so that, for about a month, I'm venturing a new story. I do not know when this book will see the light but I can tell you that will deal with, again, the theme of the family. But now I do not want to add another e. .. I leave you with the presentation of "The Secret".

Writing a book, though small, is not simple. Not just the idea, is not sufficient to adequately develop a plot. It should read, add, cut and fix. The error is still there and if you have only to work, you escape more easily. It may seem at times to have arrived to the point and so you decide to make the first test print. I look forward to the arrival of the courier and when you have a copy in your hands, you realize that something is still wrong and then decide to start from scratch. It would be nice to be a professional writer, have someone who helps you fix, to lay out, to choose images for the cover but ... writers as a hobby and we must be content. A few friends read your work for you and this will be a great satisfaction because, for better or worse, do it for passion, without anxiety of having to gain or deliver the work within a very specific term. But writing is not even easy for amateurs like me and even more difficult to present their work. Just this week I finished printing my latest story called "The House of Memories." I do not want to call it fiction because it would be too much. I collected the testimonies of family life and the many friends I met on my experience. There were people who told me about their parents, chi dei fratelli, chi dei cognati, chi della nonna invadente e della zia intrigante, dei piccoli agi e delle difficoltà a sbarcare il lunario. Mi sono accorto che tutte queste storie potevano avere un comun denominatore perchè, in determinati contesti, comuni sono le difficoltà, le preoccupazioni, le piccole soddisfazioni ed è nata così la famiglia Manca, paradigma di una tipico nucleo familiare cagliaritano di estrazione piccolo-borghese. La storia è ambientata nel quartiere di San Benedetto, cuore pulsante di una città che rinasce al termine della seconda guerra mondiale, simbolo degli sforzi di una popolazione che sente forte il bisogno di crescere oltre che di risollevarsi. Un quartiere in cui operano piccoli commercianti, professionals, craftsmen. There is also a town market, a large structure where you go not only for shopping but also to socialize. A little world in itself never folded participating with passion in the life of his time. The story is inspired by memories of Andrea Manca, after the death of his parents, is going with his brother Philip, to deliver the house where she was born and raised to new owners. Andrew goes for the last time in the great apartment, visit every room and comes out in a very short time a world of memories. The story of a large family with his sacrifice, his frustrations, his fleeting moments of serenity. Come to mind the sound of radios in the courtyard, the echo of old programs, lunch time, matches scopone e. .. many, many other things. All in a little time in which, in the end, dominates the regret for family cohesion never totally achieved.

For the benefit of friends who wanted to buy my book "The Secret"-A History Cagliari, I note the following points of sale which is currently available at:

1) Stationery Sergio Succa via G. 34-36 09127 Deledda Cagliari
( on line )
2) Miele Amaro Via Manno 88 09124 Cagliari
3) Library The Bastion Square Constitution 4 09124 Cagliari
4) Library Murru 12C 09128 Via San Benedetto Cagliari.

I also remember that the book can still be purchased through the sites and La Feltrinelli.