Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Ladies Wrestling Wearing Tights

"The Chinese authorities should allow an independent investigation into the conduct of United Nations about what is happening in Tibet , especially in light of the closure of the region and permanent restrictions on the activities of human rights observers. The situation in Tibet deserves attention the Human Rights Council, whose session is currently in progress "- Amnesty International said.

Organization for Human Rights calls on the Chinese government to exercise restraint in the face of protests, provide comprehensive information on all persons detained in Lhasa and other parts of Tibet last week and release all those who are in prison for having peacefully expressed their views and exercising their right to freedom of expression, association and assembly.

According to Amnesty International, the Chinese authorities must address the reasons underlying the claims of the Tibetan people, the result of government policies decades: exclusion from the benefits of economic development, restrictions on religious practice and attachment to culture and ethnic identity.

Signature the appeal on-line in favor of 15 Tibetan monks arrested March 10 for taking part in a peaceful demonstration in Barkhor, Lhasa, the capital of Tibetan Autonomous Region. There is no additional information on the country where they are held or on any allegations made against them. Amnesty International is concerned at risk of torture and other ill-treatment.
In pictures: Lobsang, aged 15, one of those arrested (source: , Tibetan Center for Human rights and democracy)

Friday, March 7, 2008

How Long Does A Pedicure Take

Step 3 part

mixed media, videoanimazione
videoproiezione, PAL, endless loop

This videoanimation looks like an old photo on the move. I've joined three images tooked with a defective camera and told about a group of birds on the fly.

Tech Decks In Edmonton

Fountain Photo Contest Theme

(Photos from flickrcc)
L to P re m av er to !

Dear friends, this month we invite you to be you to apply verbamoliano look at what surrounds us. Go in search of images that revolve around the concept of spring in an original way. Send them the address of the blog with the subject: photo contest-Vivian.


1) if the photos are not yours, the source cited

2) accompany each photo with a appropriate title (often the game is all there)

The best photos will be published and you can all vote on them in comments. The winner will be crowned at the beginning of next month.

you soon!

Sunday, March 2, 2008

Men With Herpes Stories

Best comment!

(photo from internet)

Dear readers, you want to know what is the best comment of the month of February? Click here>>.

(photo from internet)

Bravissima MJ!

The comment at the post by Rufus A fantastic bestiary , is as follows:

medium-sized African monkey that eats only puddings and his favorites are those chocolate .



Activities The terracotta dog (click here >> )

Saturday, March 1, 2008

Robert Shaw Thermostat Owners Manuel

Groundhog three

(photo from internet)

Ricomicio three:

Today we welcome the month of March:

For St. Benedict the swallow under the roof ( St. Benedict is March 21) .

of preaching is over the winter. ( the day of 'Annunziata is March 25)

If not marzeggia March, not April grows green.

After the folk wisdom, we play a bit 'with the number three , starting from the film Massimo Troisi , 80s, Groundhog three . In a Naples
still stunned by the earthquake, Gaetano (Gaetaaà in Naples), trapped in a city that offers incentives and the prospects, he decided to "emigrate" going to Florence.

In the dialogue between Gary and his friend explains the title:

A.: "N'ata Florence n'ata time when Uncle Antonio and some part maje nun!"
(it.: Another Once again Florence and Uncle Antonio and then never starts)
G.: "If you say cà childbirth childbirth! just me .. I know Scuccato I start with three " " From zero! " "three sir! That is to say three things I know I failed ind'a life span and also adda chelle ... "
(it.: If I tell you that part, starting you need to do now .. I can not begin again by three. From scratch. Nosssignore by three. I mean three things I have succeeded in life and why should I give up ...)
A.: "Watch Gaeta, who knows what party runs but does not know ... what to look for "
(it.: Watch Gary, who knows what part escapes, but does not know what to look for ...)

The applicant is in three films, three are also the letters of the name Gary proposes that for his future son. Look a little 'why!
1. Siccome noi siamo educati vi proponiamo tre nomi italiani di tre lettere: Ada , Eva e, come no, Ugo .
Diteci voi altri tre nomi, ma questa volta i più maleducati, cioé quelli più lunghi, ovviamente, rigorosamente italiani.

(foto da internet)

2. Nei proverbi sostituite il numero 3 con il nome del mese, e avrete dei detti popolari legati alla metereologia, ovvero ai “nodi freddi” del mese detto pazzarello, perché, dopo una pausa di spring warmth, there was a sudden return of cold winter, with a flurry of different characteristics.

If January is poached, three bursts of laughter.

3 crazy, look at the sun and take an umbrella;

3 majestic windy orchard;

Wind 3 does not end soon;

3 dry , rich peasant,

Bees wise in three sleep again;

three dry and wet April, Blessed is the man who sowed

PS: How do you translate?

(photo from internet)

3. Give us three words:

Enjoy the song Give me three words, and replace them with three more words!