Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Yamcha Y Bulma Doujin


Images bosnian about landscapes. Architectural structures, air, nature and people mix and dissolve.

Table Centerpiece Baby Shower Template

Untitled # 5, video stills

Projectors, endless loop
An attempt to communicate a flock of swallows in flight su un corso d'acqua e gli automobilisti in una strada vicina.

Videoprojection, endless loop

A strange kind of communication between a flock of swallows flying upon a river and drivers in a nearby road.

See "Untitled" video stills

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Types Of Immunosuppressants

Close Guantanamo

On 11 January 2008 marked the sixth anniversary of the first transfers of detainees to Guantánamo.
In the first five years, 780 prisoners have been moved.
At the end of December 2007, 277 prisoners of 30 different nationalities (100 of them Yemenis) were still in Guantanamo without charge or trial .
About 80% of these prisoners were detained in solitary confinement in Camps 5, 6 and Camp Echo.
Camp 6, the most recent construction, is designed to accommodate 178 inmates and is the area where the prison conditions are harsher. Inmates remain in isolation for at least 22 hours a day in individual cells with no windows.
At least four people currently detained at Guantanamo were under 18 years at the time of his arrest.
At least four detainees would have committed suicide. Many others have attempted suicide.
The capture of Guantánamo detainees took place in over ten countries. None of them had a chance to see a magistrate.
In September 2006, 14 prisoners were transferred at Guantanamo after being held incommunicado by the CIA to 4 ½ years.
Several hundred people remain in U.S. custody at Bagram airbase in Afghanistan, without access to lawyers or a judge.
To say NO TO GUANTANAMO! Saturday, 26 come from 16 at the Mall Balloon Barletta and sign our appeal to the U.S. authorities.

Monday, January 14, 2008

Peritoneal Cancer Ribbon Color

A fable? No, only good news

Death penalty

Iran - On December 24, 2007 Paymand Sina, who was sentenced to death in 2004 for killing a drug dealer during a brawl, and ' was released after the victim's family has received compensation. Paymand was to be hanged September 20, 2006 when, with the rope already ' neck, asked to play for the last time his flute . Relatives of the victim at the scene, were moved , I'll ask to stay the execution and agreed to negotiate compensation.

(Next to the cover of our publication on the death penalty)

Friday, January 4, 2008

I Like Touching My Boobs

Calendar and Agenda 2008

are available for new calendars, wall and table, and the new agenda of Amnesty.
The calendars are dedicated to Burma. The main theme instead of the agenda is the 60th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
Contact us to buy a copy. The proceeds will finance our activities for Burma and for any individual whose rights are violated anywhere in the world.
Look at the pictures of the calendar.