Sunday, August 26, 2007

Science Projects With Paper Napkins

Position Amnesty International on abortion

In occasione del XXVIII Congresso internazionale di Amnesty International, che si è svolto in Messico ad agosto di quest’anno, l’organizzazione per i diritti umani ha ratificato la sua posizione sull’aborto. La discussione su questo tema ha avuto origine nel contesto della campagna “Mai più violenza sulle donne”, che ha messo in luce la drammatica realtà di donne e bambine vittime di violenza sexual and which are still the consequences of violation of their sexual and reproductive rights. Its adoption was preceded by a two-year international consultation between the National Sections, Groups and members of the association.

Amnesty's position is not for abortion as a right but for the human rights of women who must live free from fear, violence and coercion when dealing with the consequences of rape and other violations of human rights.

The policy adopted will enable the association to deal with specific issues related to abortion, to the extent that they are directly related to the activities of Amnesty International sul diritto alla salute e sulla violenza contro le donne.

Amnesty International pertanto chiederà agli Stati di:

• fornire a uomini e donne informazioni complete riguardanti la salute sessuale e riproduttiva;
• modificare o abrogare le leggi per effetto delle quali le donne possono essere sottoposte a imprigionamento o ad altre sanzioni penali per aver abortito o cercato di abortire;
• garantire che tutte le donne con complicazioni sanitarie derivanti da un aborto abbiano accesso a trattamenti medici adeguati, indipendentemente dal fatto che abbiano abortito legalmente o meno;
• garantire l’accesso a servizi legali e sicuri di aborto a ogni donna la cui gravidanza is due to a rape or incest or when pregnancy poses a risk to his life or his health.

Based on the policy adopted, Amnesty International:

• not carry out campaigns for abortion in general or of a general legalization; •
not judge whether abortion is right or wrong;
• advise you not to individuals to continue or terminate a pregnancy; •
not take the position that a woman should or should not have abortions in the circumstances described above, but will ask the states to ensure the possibility of abortion in a safe and accessible and to prevent serious violations human rights related to the denial of this possibility;
• of course, continue to oppose coercive population control measures such as forced sterilization and abortion.

Thursday, August 2, 2007

Stomach Noises At Night


Here the video guide the presentation of 'Secret flights'.
Thanks to and all those who were present.
Happy holidays!